DOTY (Dachshund of the Year) results 2024
Judge: Mrs Ellen Blackburn (Stargang)
Date: 25th January 2025

Overall Winner- Lesley McNaughton - Cedavoch Just An Illusion
Dachshund of the Year 2024 was a resounding success! A heartfelt thank you to everyone who attended — the turnout was the highest in memory! The Weston Hall Hotel near Bulkington continued to be an outstanding venue, offering plenty of space for both dogs and attendees. We listened to feedback last year and ensured the ring space was larger and aswell as providing mats for the dogs. It was a joy to see so many stunning Dachshunds competing across all four competitions, with enthusiastic applause for each of the well-deserved winners. The hot lunch was a particular highlight, sparking lively conversation and plenty of laughter around the tables. Above all, this event is about bringing our community together to celebrate our shared passion for Dachshunds, and the atmosphere on the day truly reflected that. We’re hoping for an even bigger event next year, when the event will take place on Saturday 24th January 2026, and we look forward to your continued support.

Adult of the year
Judith Carruthers- Ch Aikton Alexander At Stanegate

Runner Up - Adult of the year
Fran Hanney-Mitchell- Ch Bronia Solar Flare

Veteran Of The Year
Roy Wood - Ch Wildstar Wrobinson

Runner Up - Veteran Of The Year
Diana Bailey- Glasvey Double Trouble for Loggeta

Puppy Of The Year
Lesley McNaughton - Cedavoch Just An Illusion

Runner Up - Puppy Of The Year
Cindy Dare - Darsoms Zyrhona

Special Beginner Of The Year
Tracy Sieminski - Wyldetarn Genesis